like the elephant that swings from side to side that one day me and my brothers bullied my father to take us to manila zoo;
or the elephant that chased our little hired car once on a road trip and we got hopelessly lost in a wildlife reserve in limpopo province;
or the elephant that scared my mother when i took her to a night safari in kruger's park;
and very recently the hundred elephants parade that my friend id and i followed all throughout amsterdam because we were hopeless tourists.
they say 'an elephant never forgets'. in fact, some studies show the verity of this claim. specifically, the ability of the matriarch in an elephant herd to 'remember' and recognise danger, migration route and source of food is crucial it the herd's survival.

lately, my brothers and i are noticing that my mother is losing her memory. it started with her repeating herself. then she started to forget where she places things. now she is starting to forget details of events.
my mother's loss of memory fill me with a deep sense of sadness. i guess my mother has always been the bastion of strength in the family. to the extent that she is the one true person you can always rely on. now, i have to contend with the fact that that strength is affected by age. of her being in the sunset of her life. and in contending with my mothers' mortality, i have to contend with my own.
some people tell me, 'you have a memory like an elephant.'
maybe because things are fleeting that i hold on to the memories of people, things and event that are dear.
and i never want to forget my elephants.
our own memory and the memory of those we relate to tell us much about the precariousness of reality and our own lives...
it is what it is ;)
same thing happened to inay. *hugs*
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